ABS | American Bureau of Shipping |
AD | German working commission for pressure vessels |
AEF | Committee for units and dimensions in DIN |
AFM | German working commission for measurement in production |
AFNOR | French standards organization |
AGR | German working commission for rationalization |
AIF | German working Commission of industrial research associations |
AISI | American Iron and Steel Institute |
ANS | American National Standard (formerly : USAS [see ANSI]) |
ANS | American Nuclear Society |
ANSI | American National Standard Institute |
API | American Petroleum Institute |
ASA | American Standards Association (now : ANSI) |
ASHRAE | American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. |
ASME | American Society of Mechanical Engineers |
AUMA | Exhibitions and trade fairs committee of the German industry |
AVI | Association of German iron and metal working industries |
AWF | German committee for efficient production |
BAM | German materials testing institution |
BASEEFA | British Approvals Service for Electrical Equipment in Flamable Atmospheres |
BDI | Federation of German industry |
BMA | German ministry of labor and social affairs Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales |
BSI | British Standards Institution |
BV | Bureau Veritas |
BVS | German mining test laboratory (Dortmund) |
CEE | International Commission for conformity certification of electrical equipment |
CEI | International electrical engineering commission |
CEN | European committee for the co-ordination of standards |
CENELEC | European committee for electrotechnical standardization |
CIPM | International committee for weights and measures |
CSA | Canadian Standards Association |
DBGM | German utility model |
DBP | German patent |
DECHEMA | German association of chemical process equipment |
DGWK | German society for product marking Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Warenkennzeichnung |
DIN | German standards institute |
DK | Universal decimal classification |
DKD | German calibration service |
DNV | Det Norske Veritas |
DVGW | German association of gas and water specialists |
DVM | German materials testing association |
DVS | German welding association |
EC | European Community |
EN | European standard |
E Sti (SEV) | Electrosuisse – SEV Verband für Elektro-, Energie- und Informationstechnik Eidg. Starkstrominspektorat |
FMRC | Factory Mutual Research Corporation |
GL | Germanischer Lloyd |
GS | Stamp of approval : “Tested for safety” |
GVT | German process engineering research association |
IEC | International Electrotechnical Commission |
IFAC | Inetrnational Association of Automatic Control |
IP | International protection code |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization |
KBFI | Actuating device for pipe-chamber feeders of hydraulic transport equipments Köponti Bàyàzati Fejlesztéi Intéet |
KTA | German nuclear technology committee |
LN | German aviation standard |
LRS | Lloyd’s Register of Shipping |
MKSA system | Metre-Kilogram-Second-Ampere system |
MOT | Ministry of Transport |
NAMUR | German working commission for measurment and control in the chemical industry |
OECD | Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development |
OIML | International organization for legal measurement |
ÖNORM | Austrian standard |
PRS | Polski Rejestr. Statkow |
PTB | German physical and technical test institute (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt) |
RAL | German committee for terms of delivery and quality assurance (part of the German standards committee) |
REFA | German association for time and motion studies |
R.I.N.A. | Italian Shipping Register, Registro Italiano Navale |
RKW | Rationalization board of the German industry |
SAA | Standard Association of Australia |
SI | International units system |
SNV | Swiss standards association |
SUN | International Committee of Symbols, Units and Nomenclature |
TEWI | Total equivalent warming impact |
TRAC | Technical rules for acetylene systems and calcium carbide stocks |
TÜV | Technical Monitoring Association, Technischer Überwachungs-Verein |
UL | Underwriters Laboratories Inc.® (USA) |
UVVEN | German accident prevention regulations |
VAWS | Verordnung über Anlagen zum Umgang mit wassergefährdenden Stoffen und über Fachbetriebe |
VBG | Federation of German employer’s liability insurance associations |
VDE | Association of German electrical engineers |
VDI | Association of German engineers |
VDPG | Association of German physics societies |
VDS | Association of property insurance companies |
VdTUV | Association of German technical inspectorates |
VG-Norm | German defense equipment standard |
VSM | Standards published by the standards office of the association of Swiss machines. |